Governing Board Members

BOARD MOTTO: Pro Bono Publico “For The Public Good”

The Governing Board continues Destin High’s Founding Board of Director’s mission of providing an outstanding and innovative high school experience in Destin. The Board is comprised of nine business, community and educational leaders serving staggered three-year terms.

To contact the board please email us at

Founding Board Member

Heidi LoCicero

Virginia McBride
Vice President

Founding Board Member

Sarah Stone

Keli O’Neal

Founding Board Member

Jim Luttrell

Doug Sills
 Board Member

Amanda Eubank
Board Member

Stephanie Larabee
Board Member

Brandon Biles
Board Member

Board Advisory Council

This council serves as advisors to the Governing Board.  The Board Advisory Council serves as a collaborative forum to advise the governing board on policies, community endeavors, curricula, and budgets, to focus on parental and community involvement in the school, and to undertake other specific initiatives or priorities as enunciated by the Governing Board.

James Lopez, Chairman Board Advisory Council.

*Now accepting applications to serve on this 9-member advisory council.
**Submit to the nominating committee chairperson. 

Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

Consultants and Providers

  • School Financial Services
  • Roundtable Funding
  • Truist Bank
  • DAG Architects
  • Lord & Son
  • McCrady & Associates, PLLC

Destin High School’s Governing Board of Directors oversees the not for profit, 501c3 public charter high school, in Destin, Florida. The general direction and management of the affairs of the School shall be solely vested in the Governing Board with a minimum of three (3) members. At least fifty-one (51%) percent of the members of the Governing Board must reside in Okaloosa County, Florida. The Directors receive no compensation for their service, they are volunteers. 

The Governing Board’s primary role will be to set policy, provide financial oversight, annually adopt and maintain an operating budget, exercise continuing oversight over the School’s operations, and communicate the vision of the School to community members. It shall be the duty of the Governing Board to keep a complete record of all its actions and corporate affairs and supervise all officers and agents of the School and to see that their duties are properly performed.

The Board meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday of each month, on campus in the “Shark Bite Cafe”, at 6:00pm CST. All meetings are open to the public. The board also may meet in special session from time to time to conduct business of the various subcommittees of the Board. All meetings are publicly noticed on the school calendar and are open to the public. 

Each member of the Board will have a three-year term and may be re-elected for up to two consecutive terms. Board officers include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Officers will be elected at a duly organized board meeting and notice of intent to elect an officer will be included in the public announcement in accordance with Sunshine Law requirements.

If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please send a letter of interest and a resume to the Board Nominating Chairwoman, Heidi LoCicero at 

Governing Board Meetings

Regular Meetings: 4th Tuesday each month, 6:00PM Central, at Destin High School.

Annual Business Meeting: The Annual Business meeting is held each August.

Meetings are held in accordance with Florida State Statutes and the Sunshine Law and are open to the public.

The Governing Board shall meet no less than four (4) times per year. The Governing Board shall have at least two (2) public meetings per school year within the District. The meetings must be noticed, open, and accessible to the public and attendees must be provided the opportunity to receive information and provide input regarding the School’s operations. The appointed parent representative and School principal or director, or his or her equivalent, must be physically present at each meeting.

Public Comment

Fifteen minutes will be allocated on the agenda for public input at the beginning of each meeting. Additional time may be added at the discretion of the Board.

Public comment may be oral, in person, or in written form to be read by the Board.

Public comment is limited to no more than 3 minutes per person.

It is recommended that public comment be written out and provided to the board following the three minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board.

A sign-in sheet will be available at the front office and board meeting. Those wishing to speak will be asked to sign in. The Chair will call on individuals based on the order participants have signed in.

Persons submitting comment by phone call or in writing will be signed in by the Chair.

Each speaker will clearly state their full name.

All public comment should be factual and should not include personally identifiable information of students or personnel in order to maintain confidentiality. Speakers should avoid using names of students or staff to maintain confidentiality and privacy standards.

All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit a written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and a brief summary of topics or input may be included in the meeting minutes published. A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.

Specific issues about a particular student or staff member should be addressed to the school’s Principal or Executive Director, rather than the Board of Directors.

The public may submit comment in written form to be read by the chairperson and/or sent to the Principal or Executive Director 48 hours in advance of the meeting if unable to present in person.   All written comments must be submitted by email, mail or dropped off to the school addressed to the board chairperson and received by 3:00 PM at least 2 business days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Any written comments submitted after that time will be read and/or distributed at a later Board meeting. Written input must include the name, address, email address and phone number of the person submitting comment.

Specific issues about a particular student should only be addressed to the school’s Principal or Executive Director, rather than the Board of Directors.

If anyone needs special assistance to participate in the public input session, every effort will be made to provide an appropriate accommodation. When requesting accommodations for public input, please allow no less than 1 business day notice prior to the scheduled meeting.

Board Member Emeritus 2022

Founding Board Member

Myra Williams

Board Member Emeritus 2022

Founding Board Member, past President

Prebble Ramswell

Board Member Emeritus 2023

Founding Board Member, past President

Denise Fountain

Board Member Emeritus 2024

Founding Board Member

Drew Palmer

Board Member Emeritus 2024

Founding Board Member

Mitch Silver